I would like to wish all readers and whoever visits this website (it can’t be too many) a Happy Easter. It’s a nice sunny day here, I hope it is too wherever you are.
As a Easter message, I give you here Strindber’gs words from a book I recently edited and published:
“All the errors and mistakes which we have made should serve to instil into us a lively hatred of evil, and to impart to us fresh impulses to good; these we can take with us to the other side, where they can first bloom and bear fruit.
That is the true meaning of life, at which the obstinate and impenitent cavil in order to escape trouble.
Pray, but work; suffer, hut hope; keeping both the earth and the stars in view. Do not try and settle permanently, for it is a place of pilgrimage; not a home, but a halting-place. Seek truth, for it is to be found, but only in one place, with Him who Himself is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”
(August Strindberg, “The Blue Book“)
August Strindberg, by the way, also wrote a wonderful little play called “Easter”, it’s one of his least known works, but it’s very good. It’s one of his least gloomy plays, even with some humorous moments. You can find it at Gutenberg.