Year: 2021

Happy Easter

I would like to wish all readers and whoever visits this website (it can’t be too many) a Happy Easter. It’s a nice sunny day here, I hope it is too wherever you are. As a Easter message, I give you here Strindber’gs words from a book I recently edited and published: “All the errors…Read more

Will we go back to “normal”?

People who know me know that I have been very critical almost from the very start of the whole global reaction to “Covid” and the unprecedented use of authoritarian measures such as forced masks and “lockdowns”, among other measures which have proven to be not only useless, but harmless. I am also very wary of…Read more

Short stories and articles elsewhere

My short story “You don’t know what real loneliness feels like” was just published at the New English Review, April 2021 edition (they shortened the title to “Loneliness”, which I don’t like so much, but it’s OK). The story “The Great Unvaxxed” was also recently published in the Off-Guardian (March 29). Both stories are part…Read more

Geist Magazine in Spring

We recently had a little event commemorating the first edition (Winter) of our “Geist” magazine of literature and art, which was very nice. The magazine is still available for sale at our web shop (we already had a few orders!) in the print version, or to be read or downloaded in pdf format for free…Read more

“The Sphere”: Short Stories

A new book of original short stories is now available. All the stories (except two) were written during the recent “pandemic” that started on February 2020 and is still going on. A few of the stories are thematically related to current events, but others are not. Some are science fiction, some are humorous, some are…Read more

A video

We are creating a new series of one-minute videos to promote our book “Our Pets and Us” (available at Amazon and at our shop. The first one is about the domestication of dogs. Enjoy!

A poem

I am not usually a great fan of contemporary poetry, but here’s a pretty nice poem by American poet Christine E. Black about living under lockdown. Republished from here. Ragamuffins in Lockdown Time I want to be the child In my neighborhood, Kicking a ball down a wet street, Dirty snow and ice crusting cars,…Read more

Geist Magazine in print

The first number of our magazine is now in its print version, in very limited number, but high quality. With A4 size, 250g glossy paper, and full-quality colour images, it is really a sight to behold. The magazine can be purchased in our shop, or read in the online version. It contains short stories and…Read more

Dr. Seuss “cancelled”

I have to admit I never liked Dr. Seuss’s books. I don’t know why, but neither the illustrations nor the poems were attractive to me either as a child or as an adult, and they were not part of my childhood in any case. I was reading other stuff, such as Tintin, Asterix and classic…Read more

Lockdown doesn’t work

A recent study by John P. A. Ioannidis and others, published at the European Journal of Clinical Investigation, seems to indicate that stay-at-home orders and business closures do not work or make little difference in containing the spread of COVID. This together with the Chinese study showing that asymptomatic transmission is low or inexistent should…Read more