Scorsese’s mom

And other immigration stories You might remember Scorsese’s mother from the hilarious dinner scene in “Goodfellas”, shown below, where she plays Joe Pesci’s mother. That’s Scorsese’s real mom, and she’s amazing. She also plays a small part in “Casino”. (I didn’t realize it before, but Scorsese’s father also has a brief cameo in “Goodfellas”, as…

Butter as a litmus test for civilization

A brief comment and nutrition advice When I was still a child, they started rolling a propaganda that “margarine is healthier than butter”. It was obviously bankrolled by margarine producers. To me, even back then, it never made any sense that an artificial concoction with bland taste and bad smell could somehow be healthier than…

Life is but a dream

Time to wake up There is little we can do about the next developments that are soon coming in the Modern West. From “new pandemics” to “fifteen minute cities” to social credit tied to your bank account, bad things are going to happen, whether we like it or not. Complaining won’t solve anything, and it…

No Country for White Men

Paris is burning, but where to escape? The current and still ongoing riots in France — some call it even a budding civil war — will perhaps serve as a wake-up for many people living in the West, about what is really happening in their lands. Perhaps. I am not really sure, as most White…

Midsummer rain, Midsummer sun

In Finland, Midsummer week is usually when people take their holidays and go out camping, boating, fishing, swimming naked in a lake, or doing all kinds of things outdoors. (No, not that. Well, maybe that too). It is also when it usually rains. This year… Well, for a while it seemed as if it was…

Plastic Jesus and the Passion story

Brief notes on “Cool Hand Luke” (spoilers ahead) I just watched “Cool Hand Luke” (1967) for the first time yesterday. One of the first things that called my attention is how many similarities it has with the later “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” (1975), only that it’s in a chain-gang prison instead of an…

While the world burns

AIDS, Covid and Sex Robots A few days ago, I wrote the following comment at another blog: Kary Mullis (who invented the “PCR test” and died mysteriously just before “Covid”) always said that there is no causation link between HIV and AIDS. And there’s a video of him heavily criticizing Fauci for his management of…

Was it bad for the West to abandon religion?

Looking at it from a secular perspective I’ve been thinking about religion lately. As we all know, the West has all but abandoned Christianity: the little of it that remains is not very different from progressivism; and progressivism itself seems to have morphed into a new type of religion, with its own processions, prayers and…

Get woke, go broke? Not really

It’s okay. Relax and enjoy the decay. And now back to political commentary. Some “conservatives” like to parrot the idea that went companies “go woke”, they lose money. But this is not really true. Even if they eventually lose money on a particular film or product, they make up for it with something else. Disney,…

Sauna, Karaoke and other Finnish inventions

Sauna is a great Finnish invention. It is not the only one: there’s also Moomins, Angry Birds, the original Nokia cell phone, and my favourite, the dish-drying cupboard or Astiankuivauskaappi, which, perhaps because of the long name, didn’t catch on in the rest of the world, but I find very practical. (In Finland, all apartments…